Folic Acid Detection Kit
Folic acid requirements are increased in pregnancy because of the rapidly dividing cells in the fetus and elevated urinary losses.The WHO recommended pregnant women supplement is 400μg folic acid per day.
However, the need of people is different, since MTHFR ,MTRR, MTHTD1 and MTR gene polymorphisms affect folic acid metabolism. Periconceptional folic acid supplementation and healthcare following gene polymorphism testing may be a powerful measure to decrease congenital malformations.
■ Accurate:
Use anti-contamination system, detect MTHFR , MTRR , MTHTD1 and MTR gene
polymorphisms at one time.
■ Sensitive:
Only need 1ng DNA.
■ Easy-to-use:
Direct PCR amplification with blood card or EDTA-anticoagulated whole blood in a single tube, applicable for automatic and batched detection.
■ Fast:
Get results within 3 hours, with manual operation time less than 20 minutes.
Loci detected
Women who are pregnant or have abnormal gestation and birth
Sample types
Peripheral blood, blood stain
Genetic analyzer (ABI PRISM 310, 3100 Genetic Analyzer, or ABI 3130 Series, 3500 Series, 3730 Series Genetic Analyzer)
※Reference :
GynecolObstet Invest. 2015;79(2):107-12.
※ For research use only