1. IF: 5.637 Products:Microreader™ 23sp ID System
Analysis of genetic polymorphisms and mutations at 23 autosomal STR loci in Guangdong Han population. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2019.
2. IF: 5.637 Products:Microreader™ 23sp ID System
Validation of the Microreader™ 23sp ID system: A new STR 23-plex system for forensic application. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2017.
3. IF:5.637 Products:Microreader™ 23sp ID System
Multistep microsatellite mutation at D18S51 locus in a parentage testing case. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, 2017.
4. IF: 5.637 Products:Microreader™ 23sp ID System
Genetic polymorphism of 22 autosomal STR markers in a Han population of Southern China. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2016.
5. IF: 5.637 Products:Microreader™ 23sp ID System
Genetic polymorphisms of 22 autosomal STR loci in Chinese Han population. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, 2015.
6. IF: 2.094 Products:Microreader™ 19X ID System
Genetic characterization of 19 X-STRs in Sierra Leone population from Freetown. INT J LEGAL MED, 2020.
7. IF: 1.276 Products:Microreader™ 19X ID System
Loss of heterozygosity detected at three short tandem repeat locus commonly used for human DNA identification in a case of paternity testing. Legal Medicine, 2017.
Clinical Research
1. IF:19.783
A novel lncRNA GClnc1 promotes gastric carcinogenesis and may act as a modular scaffold of WDR5 and KAT2A complexes to specify the histone modification pattern. Cancer Discov.
2. IF:8.783
3. IF: 4.526 Products:MSI Detection Kit
A novel and reliable method to detect microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer by next-generation sequencing. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 2017.
4. IF:3.892 Products:FXS Detection Kit
A novel deletion to normal size in the sperm of a fragile X full mutation male. Clin Genet.
5. IF: 3.517 Products:MSI Detection Kit
Effect of Tumor Location on Clinicopathological and Molecular Markers in Colorectal Cancer in Eastern China Patients: An Analysis of 2,356 Cases. FRONT GENET, 2020.
6. IF: 2.535 Products:MSI Detection Kit
Mismatch repair status between primary colorectal tumor and metastatic tumor, a retrospective consistent study. BIOSCIENCE REP, 2019.
7. IF:1.813
Fragile X syndrome screening in Chinese children with unknown intellectual developmental disorder. BMC Pediatrics.
8. IF: 1.26 Products:Y-chromosomal Microdeletion
Molecular and cytogenetic analysis of infertile Hakka men with azoospermia and severe oligozoospermia in southern China.Journal of International Medical Research, 2019.
9. IF:0.799
Loss of heterozygosity at the human leukocyte antigen locus in thymic epithelial tumors. Thoracic Cancer.